Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Can I Do To Save For The New Year? : Nationwide Biweekly Administration

Nationwide Biweely Administration Shares Tips for Saving Money

Our country has been mired in rough economic times for a few years now. Many people have tightened their budgets and cut out non-essential items in order to get by. But as the economy continues to falter and people long for the job and economic security of the past; it becomes necessary to further pare down budgets and rebuild savings accounts. Only by being careful with your money, can you achieve the security many Americans felt for most of the aughts. Nationwide Biweekly Administration, one of the nation’s Largest and most recognized administrators of bi–weekly programs, shares tips for saving money in these challenging times.

Monthly expenses such as utilities, mortgages, car payments and insurance and cell phone bills can be the thing that makes or breaks a family’s budget. Do you have both a home phone and a cell phone? Is there a specific reason you need both? If not you can cut out your traditional landline completely and just exist with a cell phone.

Speaking of that cell phone – how many minutes do you use? Is there a way for you to cut back on your monthly plan to save a little money? Consider switching to a pre-paid cell phone provider and experience a cheaper bill and the freedom of not being beholden to a set in stone contract from one of the major cell phone providers.

Another big monthly expense is television. How do you get your broadcast – from a cable provider or satellite provider? Have you explored the alternatives? One Nationwide Biweekly Administration staffer switched from cable (with no movie channels) to satellite (with 3 movie channels) when he found out the satellite company’s monthly bill would be $80 less than he’d been paying his cable provider.

Internet can be another big ticket item. Cable modems are expensive if not “bundled” together with cable service. DSL’s are relatively inexpensive, but also notoriously prone to outages. How about your cell phone again – if it is an internet capable phone you may be able to tether it to your PC to get internet access for a fraction of the cost of a cable modem or DSL.

Finally, few amongst us have not been, at one time or another, paying for a gym membership that we do not use. Whether you’re monthly dues are $19 or $190, if you are not going to the gym on a regular basis, you are basically throwing this money away each month. Even if you do go to the gym regularly, you may be able to trade the gym for the outdoors and save that money anyway. Running, jogging or power walking down a city street or country road is free. Nationwide Biweekly Administration is one of the nation’s largest administrators of weekly and bi-weekly mortgage payment program s that save homeowners thousands of dollars.

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